

The floor is cold beneath my feet.

I feel a complacency within me.

My head is full, my heart is warm.

The space is full of activity.

I see swirls of bright white light, when I close my eyes.

I am expanded.

I am in a moment, a moment in time, in a place.

Sensing those around me.

What I feel.

What I know.

It wells up in me.

Taking my breath away.

I sit, I hold still, I listen, I wait, I shift, I sit again.

To know them

To feel them.

To just be with them.

Special to me, the moment.

A comfortable place….so removed from the normal.

Special to me, the moment.

I feel in me an emotion so unexplained.

To feel the presence, it moves me in all ways.

Tears, laughter, smiles, giggles.

Holding onto the presence.

Love, it is around me.

Spirits all around me.

This is my true story….